Upcoming Events.

Women on Wheels 2024

Women on Wheels 2024

A ride FOR women BY women.

Join us for this inaugural event co-hosted by our friends at the Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition (SCBC) and Santa Rosa Cycling Club (SRCC). The event will benefit SCBC and women-oriented charities supported by SRCC and showcase products from women-owned businesses, including food at our rest stops and the after party.

There will be three routes for every ability, from 12 to 60 miles.

For more information and to register, click here.

To be notified of upcoming Move! Healdsburg rides and walks, sign up for our mailing list here.

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Smart Cycling for Adults

Smart Cycling for Adults

[Para información en español, ver abajo]

Want to get confident riding your bike again? Then this Smart Cycling class is for you!

Our friends at the Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition are partnering with Move! Healdsburg to offer a free class for adults who know how to ride and want to improve their bike handling skills or gain confidence riding in traffic or with groups.

This class is meant for cyclists of all abilities – even the most experienced riders will come away with new knowledge! The class is free, but please register in advance here.


¿Quieres volver a tener confianza al andar en bicicleta? ¡Entonces esta clase de ciclismo inteligente es para ti!

Nuestros amigos de la Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition se han asociado con Move! Healdsburg para ofrecer una clase gratuita para adultos que saben andar en bicicleta y quieren mejorar sus habilidades de manejo de la bicicleta o ganar confianza al andar en bicicleta en el tráfico o con grupos.

Esta clase está destinada a ciclistas de todos los niveles, ¡incluso los ciclistas más experimentados adquirirán nuevos conocimientos! La clase es gratuita, pero regístrate con anticipación aquí.

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Tour de Healdsburg

Tour de Healdsburg

Named in honor of Bastille Day, the national day of France, this community ride will explore the northern part of Healdsburg. Join us and show your French colors!

To beat the heat, we’ll be getting an early start. The approximately 6-mile route will take us from downtown Healdsburg to Parkland Farms and on to Enso Village. There, we’ll be treated to coffee, juice and scones – plus a bicycle water bottle for every rider – courtesy of Enso Village! After the refreshments, we’ll ride back to City Hall along the Foss Creek Pathway.

Please arrive in time to depart by 9 am sharp. Helmets required (yes, also for adults, as we are trying to set a good example for the younger set).

This event will start and end at the Healdsburg City Hall, where there’s plenty of free parking (and charging, for EV owners).

Thanks to our new neighbors at Enso Village for sponsoring and helping us plan and offer this free community event!

To be notified of upcoming rides, sign up for our mailing list here.

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Community Walk with Utility Director Crowley

Community Walk with Utility Director Crowley

On this Community Walk, we’ll tour the Healdsburg Water Reclamation Facility and stroll around the treatment ponds.

Utilities Director Terry Crowley and Water & Wastewater Superintendent Rob Scates will lead us on an educational stroll around 15 acres of recycled water ponds. You’ll be able to learn and ask questions about all aspects of our City’s water and wastewater systems, such as:

  • Our innovative and award-winning wastewater treatment facility with the largest floating solar array in the country

  • The planned water and wastewater rates for the City of Healdsburg

  • Projects the City is working on to improve water security ahead of future droughts

  • Timing and scope of the new recycled water pipeline

  • Why the Potter Valley project is important for Healdsburg

The tour will begin at 4:30 pm at the Water Reclamation Facility off of Westside Road (340 Foreman Lane). Parking is available at the site, but carpooling is strongly encouraged. The walk around the water treatment ponds is only about 1.5 miles, but there will be plenty to discuss.

Bring your own water. We will go rain or shine!

To be notified of upcoming events or cancellations, sign up for our mailing list here.

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Roll into Summer!

Roll into Summer!

Summer’s just around the corner! What better way to enjoy the longer days and warmer evenings than with another community bike ride?

Please arrive in time to depart by 6 pm sharp. Helmets required (yes, also for adults, as we are trying to set a good example for the younger set). Please bring a water bottle, if you have one, so we can limit waste.

This event will start and end at the Healdsburg Community Center, where there’s plenty of free parking. You’ll be able to choose from two routes:

  • Flat loop, 6.7 miles. We’ll ride past the North Village to Lytton Station Road, and continue to the intersection with Highway 128 and back on the same road, enjoying beautiful views over Alexander Valley and the mountains on either side of it.

  • Hilly loop, 5.2 miles. We will ride north to Lytton Springs Road and up the hill to Ridge Winery, where we’ll turn left on Chiquita Road and back to the Community Center.

We’ll all met back at the Community Center to chat and enjoy refreshments after the ride.

To be notified of upcoming rides, sign up for our mailing list here.

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Celebrate Fitch Mountain Improvements!

Celebrate Fitch Mountain Improvements!

Please join the City of Healdsburg and California Senate President pro Tempore Mike McGuire in celebrating the completion of the Fitch Mountain Public Access Improvement Project and the Villa Dog Park renovation.

The project components include:

  • A sustainable trail access from the Lower Villa parking lot to the existing fire access road/trail on Fitch Mountain.

  • A bridge system to cross the seasonal stream

  • Low-gradient trail for ADA access

  • Information kiosks and interpretive signage

  • Dog Park improvements

Funding for the project is from multiple sources:

  • State of California via the Coastal Conservancy: $1,650,000

  • Sonoma County "Measure M" Regional Park Funds: $380,000

  • State of California Prop 68 Per Capita Grant: $185,530

  • City of Healdsburg: $561,570

Celebration will include an opening ceremony, guided hikes of Fitch Mountain Park and Open Space Preserve, kids activities, live music, and a tail waggin' good time!

For further information, see here: https://www.facebook.com/events/425627800152810?ref=110

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Climate Fest – Move! Booth

Climate Fest – Move! Booth

  • Healdsburg Plaza Healdsburg, CA, 95448 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Move! Healdsburg at the 2024 Climate Fest. We will have two booths:

  • Electric bike info center and e-bike demos. Move! Healdsburg member Get-Away Adventures will staff this booth and can answer all of your e-bike questions. They will have 12 bikes available for test rides.

  • Learn about Move! Healdsburg and come ride our blender bike! How fast can you make a smoothie with pedal power? You can also enter a raffle to win one of 4 bike tours (for 2 people) and other prizes sponsored by local businesses. Those who participate in the Climate Fest Kickoff Ride on 4/19 will receive a raffle ticket for free!

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Climate Fest Kickoff Ride

Climate Fest Kickoff Ride

Join Climate Action Healdsburg and Move! Healdsburg for a very special community bike ride to kick off Healdsburg’s 2024 Climate Fest activities!

Note that registration is required, and we urge all riders to sign up in advance via UltraSignup: https://bit.ly/2024-climate-ride
(limited pre-ride registration will be available, but you will need to fill out waivers for you and each child, so we strongly recommend using the online registration process)

We will start/end at the gazebo at the Healdsburg Plaza. We’ll begin gathering from 5:30 pm and plan to take off no later than 6 pm for an easy ride on the Magnolia loop (4- and 7-mile options available). Suitable for all ages and abilities. In the spirit of Climate Fest, please bring your own water bottle.

Don’t miss the afterparty at the gazebo! You can enjoy DJ Glitterfox and appetizers from Gloria.

As an added bonus, all riders will be entered into the Move! Healdsburg Climate Fest raffle, with a chance to win great prizes from local businesses like ebike tours for two from Getaway Adventures and Spoke Folk, a gym membership from Parkpoint and more! The prize drawing will take place at the Climate Fest on Sunday, April 21st at approximately 3 pm, but you don’t need to be present to win.

To be notified of upcoming rides, sign up for our mailing list here.

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Community Walk with Housing Director Sotomayor

Community Walk with Housing Director Sotomayor

Don’t miss Move! Healdsburg’s first Community Walk!

Housing Director Stephen Sotomayor will join us and present the future Saggio Hills affordable housing project. (For details click here: https://www.ci.healdsburg.ca.us/372/Saggio-Hills-Area-Plan-Montage).

We’ll begin assembling at Barbieri Brothers Park (324 Bridle Path) at 1:30, and take off to the Healdsburg Ridge Open Space Preserve at 2 pm for a 4-mile walk (shorter options available).

Bring your own water bottle. Healthy snacks will be provided. We will go rain or shine!

To be notified of upcoming events or cancellations, sign up for our mailing list here.

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Ride into Spring!

Ride into Spring!

Help us celebrate Spring with a community bike ride and afterparty! We’ll meet at the gazebo on the Plaza, take a ride through town (exact route still being worked out, aiming for 6 miles or so) and then return to the Plaza for dance music by DJ Gregg and delicious, free food for riders. Definitely not to be missed!

We’ll meet at 5:30 and begin the ride at 6 pm. We should be back at the gazebo for food and music by 7 pm.

Reminder that helmets are mandatory for all Move! Healdsburg rides.

Rain cancels ride.

To be notified of upcoming rides or cancellations, sign up for our mailing list here.

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Magnolia loop ride

Magnolia loop ride

Join us for the first community bike ride of 2024! We will meet at Old Roma Station, then head through the roundabout to ride the Magnolia loop and back. Option to ride the loop once for a 5-mile route or twice for an 8-mile route. Light refreshments will be provided.

Helmets required (some free kids helmets available). If you need to borrow a bike, Randy at Getaway Adventures may be able to help (randy@getawayadventures.com).

Rain cancels ride.

To be notified of upcoming rides, sign up for our mailing list here.

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Community Bike Ride

Community Bike Ride

Move! Healdsburg organizes monthly community bike rides. For our December ride, we encourage you to show your holiday spirit with lighted bikes and festive attire.
We’ll meet at the parking lot at Old Roma Station, 57 Front Street, Healdsburg.
The approximately 3-mile route will wind through low-traffic city streets and pass by the Healdsburg Plaza, where you may end your ride if you choose (or return with the group to Old Roma Station). The annual tree lighting ceremony will take place at the Plaza at 6:30 pm, and you’ll be able to shop for unique gifts at the Healdsburg Holiday Market from 4–9:30 pm.
Helmets required, bike lights highly recommended. All ages and abilities welcome.

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