On this Community Walk, we’ll tour the Healdsburg Water Reclamation Facility and stroll around the treatment ponds.
Utilities Director Terry Crowley and Water & Wastewater Superintendent Rob Scates will lead us on an educational stroll around 15 acres of recycled water ponds. You’ll be able to learn and ask questions about all aspects of our City’s water and wastewater systems, such as:
Our innovative and award-winning wastewater treatment facility with the largest floating solar array in the country
The planned water and wastewater rates for the City of Healdsburg
Projects the City is working on to improve water security ahead of future droughts
Timing and scope of the new recycled water pipeline
Why the Potter Valley project is important for Healdsburg
The tour will begin at 4:30 pm at the Water Reclamation Facility off of Westside Road (340 Foreman Lane). Parking is available at the site, but carpooling is strongly encouraged. The walk around the water treatment ponds is only about 1.5 miles, but there will be plenty to discuss.
Bring your own water. We will go rain or shine!
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