Please join the City of Healdsburg and California Senate President pro Tempore Mike McGuire in celebrating the completion of the Fitch Mountain Public Access Improvement Project and the Villa Dog Park renovation.
The project components include:
A sustainable trail access from the Lower Villa parking lot to the existing fire access road/trail on Fitch Mountain.
A bridge system to cross the seasonal stream
Low-gradient trail for ADA access
Information kiosks and interpretive signage
Dog Park improvements
Funding for the project is from multiple sources:
State of California via the Coastal Conservancy: $1,650,000
Sonoma County "Measure M" Regional Park Funds: $380,000
State of California Prop 68 Per Capita Grant: $185,530
City of Healdsburg: $561,570
Celebration will include an opening ceremony, guided hikes of Fitch Mountain Park and Open Space Preserve, kids activities, live music, and a tail waggin' good time!
For further information, see here: