Grove Street Makeover

Design is underway for complete streets improvements along Grove Street between Grant Street and Dry Creek Road. The project aims to improve walking, biking, and transit use along the corridor. This project is funded in part by a One Bay Area Cycle 3 Grant program providing approximately $2.85 million for construction. Construction is anticipated to begin in Spring 2025.

At the community meeting held on March 28, 2024, residents heard about initial design concepts for Grove Street and had the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.

From an active transportation perspective, the plans will bring significant improvements. The complete street concept includes sidewalks on both sides of the road, traffic calming design features and the traffic lanes designed as a “bicycle boulevard” (shared lanes for cars/bikes). Target vehicle speed will be 25 mph (instead of current 32 mph average).

Move! Healdsburg was well represented at the workshop, and we will keep an eye on the next design phase. One request raised at the event – and one that we will continue to push for – is to provide a full bike lane from the Foss Creek Path intersection to the March Avenue intersection, as this is a dangerous area for pedestrians and cyclists.


Update: ATP Project List Now Available!


Bicycle Friendly Community Award