2024 Best Places to Bike – Healdsburg

On June 25, PeopleForBikes released their 2024 City Ratings, ranking more than 2,500 cities from around the world on how good they are for biking.

How did Healdsburg do?

Our Bike Network Analysis (BNA) score was 59 out of 100 possible points, putting us significantly above the average score of 28, but still leaving plenty of room for improvement. The BNA score measures how well the bike network in a given area connects people to the places they want to go (see here for information on how the score is calculated).

Overall, Healdsburg ranked:

  • 202nd overall (2579 cities globally, which puts us in the 93rd percentile)

  • 93rd in the United States

  • 14th in California

It generally seems a bit easier for smaller towns to get high scores, but for those who know and love Paris, France, it’s not surprising that it has a BNA score of 87, way above ours.

So, there’s plenty of opportunity to up our game, and the Active Transportation Plan that’s currently being developed will provide a roadmap for future biking and walking infrastructure investments for Healdsburg.

Let’s outdo Davis – the highest scoring town in our category with a score of 78 – by going for 80 points!


Recycle your e-bike battery!


Update: ATP Project List Now Available!