Support the ATP!

The City Council will receive recommendations from the consulting group Fehr & Peers regarding the new Active Transportation Plan (ATP) for Healdsburg on October 7, 2024. Active transportation refers to “human-powered” modes of travel, like walking, biking, or using mobility devices. The ATP will focus on increasing access to active transportation modes by developing an investment plan for infrastructure improvements to guide City investment priorities.

The Move! Healdsburg leadership team is preparing talking points, and we urge you to attend the City Council meeting on 10/7 and tell the Council that you support the ATP. Your voice matters!

The Plan was developed with critical input from an ATP Advisory Committee, including three members of the of the Move! Healdsburg leadership team, as well as some regular participants in our events. The ATP will contain an extensive list of projects, so it is important to align on and press for rapid implementation of top priorities with good prospects for external funding, such as safe bike routes to school.

Move! leadership will be sharing our recommendations with the community, in the form of talking points that you can use when you speak at the City Council meeting on 10/7. Once posted, you will see the Council agenda and other meeting information here.

If you are unable to attend the Council meeting in person, you may also send written comments prior to the Council meeting to the following:

  • David Hagele (Mayor)

  • Evelyn Mitchell (Vice Mayor)

  • Ron Edwards

  • Chris Herrod

  • Ariel Kelley

If you are not yet on the Move! Healdsburg mailing list, sign up here to receive the ATP talking points.


CalBike Report